8 Bearl Farm, Stocksfield, Northumberland, NE43 7AL

Contact us for a free estimate: 0344 88 050 88

What is Vehicle Diminution?

Diminution is the loss in value of a motor vehicle in the marketplace after it has been involved in a road traffic accident.

Let us explain…

The loss is due to the fact that a vehicle inherits an accident history and applies even where repairs have been carried out to a high standard.

The diminution in value occurs immediately after the accident damage has occurred. From that date the motor car has a diminished value which remains with it for the rest of its existence.

Clifford James Diminution Insurance - What is diminution?Clifford James Diminution Insurance - repaired carClifford James Diminution Insurance - damaged carClifford James Diminution Insurance - repaired car

Examples shown for illustration purposes only and each loss is assessed on a case by case basis

Example of diminution

Two identical vehicles are offered for sale. One has been damaged in a motor accident and then repaired. The other has not.

A purchaser would not pay the same price for an accident damaged vehicle and would expect a price reduction before being induced to purchase the accident-damaged-vehicle. It is this reduction in price that we will claim back.

Damages for diminution in value of the vehicle are calculated based on how much the vehicle is worth immediately after it has been repaired compared to how much the vehicle was worth if it hadn’t been involved in an accident.


We assess your vehicles current market value


We determine the how much loss in value your vehicle sustained


We submit a claim to compensate you for the loss in value

Diminution Claim & Protect

Clifford James have nearly 20 years experience experience handling diminution type cases, which is proven by our extensive track record of recovering diminution in value of vehicles, no matter what make, model or type, for vehicle manufacturers and leasing companies.

If you have been involved in a non-fault road traffic accident where your vehicle sustained serious damage that has been repaired, you may be entitled to make a claim.

Our new Diminution Insurance policy can now protect your vehicle from any loss of value, our specialist diminution team will be very happy to discuss our options to you.

What our customers say

quoteI am very satisfied & pleased with the service you have provided me. I will recommend you to all friends and family and definitely use you again, should a similar incident occur in the future.quote

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