Our Vision
We intend to retain our unique market leading position by continuing to develop partnerships that empower and enable our new and future clients to protect and preserve the value of their vehicle fleet assets following a road accident.
Our Mission
With our relentless pursuit of excellence on behalf of our customers, we will invest in our team, extend the scope of our services, strength our systems and processes to extend our market advantage to grow our revenue. We will do this by increasing the number of cases managed, continuing our product development and extending our referral base.
Our Core Values
We are a united, focused and motivated team:
- We want people who want to work with us, and we give our people a sense of belonging.
- We get people to recognise their part in the overall team and the effect their role has on other people.
- We invest in our people and we expect a return on that investment.
- We get people committed to common objectives and to working together to achieve our priorities.
Even after nearly 20 years we remain pioneers:
- We created opportunities where none existed previously, and we are driven by a vision of what we can achieve based on our pedigree.
- We create and share a sense of enthusiasm and excitement.
- We never accept the current way of doing things is the best, but we always ensure that the right people are consulted and involved in key decisions.
- We react and respond rapidly to unexpected situations and problems.
- We state views openly and frankly and will confront difficult issues openly.
We are passionate about winning on behalf of our clients:
- We share the same passion to always achieve the best outcome for our clients, driven by a vision of what is possible.
- We get people committed to common objectives.
- We will always meet our commitments and we stand accountable to deliver against the expectations of our clients.
- We only accept failure if effort and intent were genuine.
Always acting with empathy, honesty and integrity we are, above all, professional:
- We protect the integrity of our brand, acknowledge the value of what has gone before and will always respect and uphold our commercial and professional obligations.
- We allow people the freedom to deal with things for which they have been given responsibility.
- We accept responsibility and stand accountable for our actions.
- We always support and show respect for our clients and colleagues, treating people fairly, equitably, respectfully and with dignity.
- We support people when they make honest mistakes.