8 Bearl Farm, Stocksfield, Northumberland, NE43 7AL
Contact us for a free estimate: 0344 88 050 88
A round up of our latest news, keeping you up to date.
A Judge at Cardiff Civil and Family Justice Centre has categorised a repair for just over £2000 as serious damage confirming, “the following expression is used which is exceedingly significant in my judgment … The expert says this: “The integrity of the vehicle has been compromised by the repair.” He goes on to explain why he comes to that view. He makes reference to the fact that crumple zones have been damaged, welded and beaten out. I am satisfied on the basis of that evidence that there is no reason to doubt the view of (the expert) that the vehicle in this case was damaged in a way that can be described as serious. “
Operations Director Emma Bell commented, “All too often we receive defences stating that the repair cost is not sufficient for a valid diminution claim. The experts which Clifford James instruct are able to assess the individual merits of a case, considering a range of factors, of which repair cost is only one of those. There is no getting away from the fact that the work carried out to repair a vehicle can vary significantly for a number of reasons including geographic location, vehicle type and those who authorise the repairs. It is therefore essential that an appropriately qualified expert is instructed to take both aggravating and mitigating factors when quantifying a diminution claim.”
If you would like to enquire about making a diminution in value claim following your accident, contact us
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