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With the advent of the clocks going back one hour on 27th October 2019, it is inevitable that it will go darker earlier and last for longer. At least until next year.
Many people believe that this occurrence causes more car accidents, but does the data agree? We reviewed 2 years of data to work out the number of accidents occurring in the month leading up to the clocks changing and the months after.
The results show that in the immediate period before and after the time change takes place, they do not. In fact, the number of accidents decreased after the clocks went back in 2017 by 4.35% and 3.37% in 2018.
There is likely to be a multitude of reasons why this trend could happen. Maybe, with half term usually occurring just before the clocks go back, more vehicles are on the road. Perhaps people are not driving their vehicles in the darker light?
No matter what time of the year, if you are involved in a road traffic accident, it is very inconvenient. At Clifford James are lawyers who act for clients to reduce the hassle of dealing with the aftermath of an accident.
If you have been involved in an accident and you require our help, please do not hesitate to contact our expert team who should be able to assist you.
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